中咽頭と上咽頭の黄色ブドウ球菌(Staphylococcus aureus)保菌の密接な関連:中咽頭の MRSA 保菌に関する新知見への手掛かり


Close association between oropharyngeal and rhinopharyngeal colonization with Staphylococcus aureus‐clues to new insight of MRSA colonization of the oropharynx

I.S. Petersen*, P.L. Larsen, B.L. Brandelev, J. Hald, C. Prætorius, R. Welinder, B. Bruun
*Herlev Hospital, Denmark
Journal of Hospital Infection (2013) 84, 259-262
本研究では、中咽頭、上咽頭、および鼻前庭における黄色ブドウ球菌(Staphylococcus aureus)保菌率のデータを提示する。患者 346 例のこれらの咽頭 3 領域からサンプルを採取し、黄色ブドウ球菌の分析を行った。咽頭の異常所見および患者の病歴を記録した。全サンプル中の黄色ブドウ球菌検出率は中咽頭 8.1%、上咽頭 7.2%、鼻前庭 20.2%であった。中咽頭と上咽頭の保菌に強い関連が認められ、特に鼻前庭に保菌がない場合の関連が強かった。これらの所見を、より有効な MRSA 除菌レジメンの開発に利用できる可能性がある。


The efficacy of taurolidine containing lock solutions for the prevention of central-venous-catheter-related bloodstream infections: a systematic review and meta-analysis

C.H. van den Bosch*, B. Jeremiasse, J.T. van der Bruggen, F.N.J. Frakking, Y.G.T. Loeffen, C.P. van de Ven, A.F.W. van der Steeg, M.F. Fiocco, M.D. van de Wetering, M.H.W.A. Wijnen
*Princess Máxima Center for Pediatric Oncology, the Netherlands

Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 123, 143-155

Impact of human coronavirus infections on paediatric patients at a tertiary paediatric hospital: a retrospective study of the prepandemic era

A.O. Alsulami*, R. Chahine, M. Kong, D.W. Kimberlin, R.J. Whitley, S.H. James
*University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA

Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 134, 27-34

Impact of healthcare-associated infection on length of stay

S. Stewart*, C. Robertson, J. Pan, S. Kennedy, L. Haahr, S. Manoukian, H. Mason, K. Kavanagh, N. Graves, S.J. Dancer, B. Cook, J. Reilly
*Glasgow Caledonian University, UK

Journal of Hospital Infection (2021) 114, 23-31


Nosocomial influenza in south-western Swiss hospitals during two seasonal epidemics: an observational study


L. Qalla-Widmer*, D. Héquet, N. Troillet, C. Petignat, C. Balmelli, C. Bassi, C. Bellini, J.-P. Chave, A. Cometta, L. Christin, O. Clerc, O. Daher, U. Fuehrer, O. Marchetti, L. Merz, V. Portillo, G. Pralong, L. Sandoz, L. Senn, F. Tâche, A. Iten

*Public Health Service, Switzerland


Journal of Hospital Infection (2021) 109, 115-122


A two-ward acute care hospital outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 delta variant including a point-source outbreak associated with the use of a mobile vital signs cart and sub-optimal doffing of personal protective equipment

H.M. O’Grady*, R. Harrison, K. Snedeker, L. Trufen, P. Yue, L. Wrd, A. Fifen, P. Jamieson, A. Weiss, J. Coulthard, T. Lynch, M.A. Croxen, V. Li, K. Pabbaraju, A. Wong, H.Y. Zhou, T.C. Dingle, K. Hellmer, B.M. Berenger, K. Fonseca, Y-C. Lin, D. Evans, J.M. Conly
*Alberta Health Services, Canada

Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 131, 1-11



