中心ライン関連血流感染症、多剤耐性菌血症および感染制御介入:ギリシャの 3 次病院における 6 年間の時系列分析
Central-line-associated bloodstream infections, multi-drug-resistant bacteraemias and infection control interventions: a 6-year time-series analysis in a tertiary care hospital in Greece

A. Papanikolopoulou*, H.C. Maltezou, P. Gargalianos-Kakolyris, I. Michou, Y. Kalofissoudis, N. Moussas, N. Pantazis, E. Kotteas, K.N. Syrigos, C. Pantos, Y. Tountas, A. Tsakris, M. Kantzanou
*Athens Medical Centre, Greece

Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 123, 27-33

日本の黄色ブドウ球菌(Staphylococcus aureus)の多剤耐性表現型のサーベイランスと全ゲノムシークエンスの結果との相関性★
Surveillance of multi-drug resistance phenotypes in Staphylococcus aureus in Japan and correlation with whole-genome sequence findings

Y. Hosaka*, K. Yahara, A. Clark, H. Kitagawa, J. Hisatsune, M. Sugai, K. Shibayama, J. Stelling
*National Institute of Infectious Diseases, Japan

Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 123, 34-42

Insights on catheter-related bloodstream infections: a prospective observational study on the catheter colonization and multidrug resistance

M. Pinto*, V. Borges, M. Nascimento, F. Martins, M.A. Pessanha, I. Faria, J. Rodrigues, R. Matias, J.P. Gomes, L. Jordao
*National Institute of Health Dr Ricardo Jorge, Portugal

Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 123, 43-51

高齢者向け入居型介護施設におけるメチシリン耐性黄色ブドウ球菌(meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus;MRSA)の空気拡散:COVID-19 パンデミック時の伝播における意義
Air dispersal of meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in residential care homes for the elderly: implications for transmission during the COVID-19 pandemic

S-C. Wong*, J.H-K. Chen, L.L-H. Yuen, V.W-M. Chan, C.H-Y. AuYeung, S.S-M. Leung, S.Y-C. So, B.W-K. Chan, X. Li, J.O-Y. Leung, P-K. Chung, P-H. Chau, D.C. Lung, J.Y-C. Lo, E.S-K. Ma, H. Chen, K-Y. Yuen, V.C-C. Cheng
*Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong West Cluster, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China

Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 123, 52-60

5%ポビドンヨードアルコール溶液の消毒活性に関する 4 種類の塗布方法を用いた評価:無作為化非盲検研究★
Evaluation of the antiseptic activity of 5% alcoholic povidone-iodine solution using four different modes of application: a randomized open-label study

S.J. Monstrey*, D. Lepelletier, A. Simon, G. Touati, S. Vogt, F. Favalli
*University of Ghent, Belgium

Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 123, 67-73

ICU environmental surfaces are a reservoir of fungi: species distribution in northern Italy

A. Prigitano*, P.M. Perrone, M.C. Esposto, D. Carnevali, F. De Nard, L. Grimoldi, N. Principi, M. Cogliati, S. Castaldi, L. Romanò
*Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy

Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 123, 74-79

英国全土の医療施設の給水システムにおけるカプリアビダス属(Cupriavidus spp.)およびその他の水系感染微生物★★
Cupriavidus spp. and other waterborne organisms in healthcare water systems across the UK

T. Inkster*, G. Wilson, J. Black, J. Mallon, M. Connor, M. Weinbren
*Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, UK

Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 123, 80-86

異なる酸素供給システムにおける COVID-19 患者による空気中の SARS-CoV-2 RNA 排出:前向き観察研究★★
Airborne SARS-CoV-2 RNA excretion by patients with COVID-19 on different oxygen-delivery systems: a prospective observational study

M.L. Janssen*, Y.P. Klazen, P. de Man, W. Hanselaar, D.S.Y. Ong, E.-J. Wils
*Franciscus Gasthuis & Vlietland, the Netherlands

Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 123, 87-91

緊急入院のトリアージにおける Abbott ID NOW SARS-CoV-2 迅速検査の診断精度★
Diagnostic accuracy of the Abbott ID NOW SARS-CoV-2 rapid test for the triage of acute medical admissions

J.R. Barnacle*, H. Houston, I. Baltas. J. Takata, K. Kavallieros, N. Vaughan, A.K. Amin, S.A. Aali, K. Moore, P. Milner, A. Gupta Wright, L. John
*London North West University Healthcare NHS Trust, UK

Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 123, 92-99

オーストラリアの 1 医療地域における N95/P2 マスクを使用している医療従事者に対する予防的ドレッシング使用のフィットテストおよび快適度評価★★
Fit testing and comfort evaluation of prophylactic dressing use for healthcare workers under N95/P2 respirators in one health service district in Australia

M.Barakat-Johnson*, J. Stephenson, K. Dempsey, L. Innes, S. Jain, T. Leong, T. Schouten, F. Coyer, A. Hallahan
*Sydney Local Health District (SLHD), Australia

Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 123, 100-107



